Indiana used to have the 5th lowest industrial electricity rates.  Over a three year period, Indiana ranked no better than 26th and has been as high as 29th.  A snapshot of this information is shown in the following charts and graphs:

Indiana’s high electricity rates have become an economic development issue, with IEDC (Indiana Economic Development Corporation) reporting that Indiana has lost at least seven projects due to high utility costs.  These projects would have generated $800 Million in capital investments and 2,768 jobs. 

In comparison to our neighbors, Indiana has had the highest long term and short term increases in industrial electricity rates.  While Indiana used to have a sizable price advantage versus Michigan, Ohio and Illinois, Indiana is now essentially even with Ohio and Michigan and Illinois has consistently sustained lower prices than Indiana since 2012.  In comparison to Kentucky, Indiana’s increases have followed a similar trend, but Kentucky’s increases have been smaller and it has widened its price gap versus Indiana. 

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